Thursday, December 15, 2005

My brothers...

Well, life is always happening at the Blaikie house! Kyle is in Vancouver and is leaving for China on Saturday.. you ask where?? i'm not completely sure.. and Jason is returning from Thailand on Tuesday. YEYEY how exciting is that! i haven't seen my brothers in 6 months.. and it will be over a year before i se Kyle again, but, i guess that's all apart of growing up.
Other exciting news. I learned how to make Chicken! i cooked it today and i jsut have to put the rest of the seasoning on with this particular recipie. I can bake no problem.. but when it comes to cooking.. it's not my thing... but i'm learning.
So that's my news for the day. Tina is comming for a visit, my church has their contata this weekend.. which means a big Hymn sing.. adn then the best part.. the kids singing and looking out at their parents and waving.. forgetting where they were in the song. The older ones carrying it by themselves. It's cute none the less. Question.. does anyone know of a good easter children's musical? i'm looking for one.
Have a great one!


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